How to recognize good quality Spirulina ?

Dec 08, 2023Jordan Boulain

How to recognize good quality spirulina?

Very popular for several years, the purchase of spirulina must be done with the greatest caution.  Indeed, many players are taking advantage of this craze to offer very poor quality spirulina, or even algae that look like spirulina but are not, and whose consumption can be very dangerous for health.

1. Information on the composition of the product

The terms " spirulina ", "spirulina", "cyanophyceae spirulina algae", "Spirulina platensis" or "Arthrospira platensis" must be listed on the label and thus guarantee the quality of the product. The spirulina content in the tablets must be greater than 98% and the product must not contain any preservatives or colourings.  Granular or powder forms must have a 100% spirulina content. Click on the following link if you would like to know more about the composition of Spirulina .

2. Visual aspect of good spirulina

Spirulina must have a  beautiful dark green and matte color .
A bright color indicates that the spirulina has been crushed, compacted and covered with a layer of clumping agent to prevent it from disintegrating again.
The packaging should contain little dust. The presence of dust also indicates that the spirulina has been atomized and then compacted, thus losing some of its nutritional qualities.

Discover our complete collection now: organic Swiss spirulina .

3. Smell of good spirulina

This algae does have a particular smell, but it should not be unpleasant. A smell that is too strong indicates that the oxidation rate is high and that the product is degraded.

4. Dissolution

The dissolution rate of spirulina should be:
–  not too fast , so that the product passes through the stomach and releases its active ingredients in the intestine, where they can be absorbed by our body
–  not too slow , because in this case the product will only be poorly absorbed during its digestive journey. The nutrients contained in the product will be absorbed by our body in smaller quantities.

For a health effect, it is therefore important to choose a good spirulina.

5. Digestion of spirulina

In the first few days, spirulina can in rare cases cause slight gas. This is why it is advisable to gradually increase the dosage of the product. The presence of excessive gas is generally an indication of a product of inferior or degraded quality.

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