Comprendre-le-Stress-Oxydatif-La-clé-pour-une-Santé-Cellulaire-Optimale Algorigin

Understanding Oxidative Stress: The Key to Optimal Cellular Health

May 24, 2023Susan Spring

Oxidative stress, also called oxidative stress or oxidative pressure, is a term that often comes up when discussing cellular health, free radicals or cell oxidation.

It is important to understand their impact on our bodies and how to combat them in order to preserve our long-term well-being.

Oxidative stress and free radicals in a nutshell:

Oxidative stress is a natural phenomenon that  designates  THE  imbalance between the production of free radicals and the amount of antioxidants available and usable by the organization.

Similar to what we see when we cut an apple, our cells react to oxidation. The apple tends to turn brown because one of its enzymes reacts with oxygen and transforms a molecule (called phenol) into another molecule (called quinone) which will break down into a brown pigment.

Adding lemon juice will help slow down this browning because it contains vitamin C, a strong antioxidant, which will reduce the amount of quinones and therefore prevent the appearance of the brown pigment.

To read: Fight against oxidative stress

It is the same balance between oxidation and antioxidation that takes place in each of our cells. 

THE  free radicals, which are naturally produced by our body,  are molecules involved in chemical reactions that accompany cellular life. In excess, they are potentially harmful to the body and p can damage our cells and cause premature aging.

From a scientific point of view, they are unstable molecules in our body, searching for electrons to complete themselves. 

The problem is that this causes damage to our cell membranes, DNA and other cellular components of our metabolism.

Therefore antioxidants, such as Astaxanthin, vitamin C or E, play a crucial role in neutralizing these free radicals and preserving the integrity of our cells.

By adopting a holistic approach focused on a balanced diet rich in antioxidants, and using algae-based supplements containing Astaxanthin and Zinc, we can support our bodies in the fight against oxidative stress and preserve our long-term well-being.

Investing in our cellular health today is a decision that bears lasting benefits for our overall health.

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