Retour-sur-l-Enduro-de-Giromagny-2017 Algorigin

Return to the Giromagny Enduro 2017

Oct 07, 2022Emir Senyer

350 participants, a pump track, an enduro race and perfect weather: that was all it took for the 2017 edition of the Giromagny Enduro organized by the Giromagny team to take place in perfection!


On August 27, the new edition of the Giromagny Enduro took place. This race is renowned for the fun it provides and for its careful organization: impeccable singletracks, food and drink (and not just a little) and top organizers! On the program for the 2017 edition, the Giromagny enduro on which the riders would compete, but also the inauguration of the new pumptrack track of the local club. A few timed “pumptrack challenge” sessions helped open up hostilities between the riders. 8 of them qualify and compete in a night final which sees Yoan Pesenti dominate Florian Grohens and Jérôme Clementz.

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The big day has arrived, it’s time for the Giromagny enduro! On the program: 23.5 Kms1250m of positive altitude difference and 1800m of negative altitude difference from Sunday morning 9 a.m. on the heights of Ballon d' Alsace. 342 riders are present on the starting line for these 5 specials concocted by the Giro team. The dirt is fresh, the singletracks are fast and the setting is idyllic for riding. After the 3th special, a refreshment station offers dried fruits, cheeses, cold meats, energy gels and even waffles! The riders finish the race and enjoy a well-deserved plate before the prize giving ceremony.


Summary of the race: Jérôme Clementz is therefore in 1sttime position, 4 seconds ahead of Eliott Baud. The last place on the podium is occupied by Ludovic Oget. Among the ladies, it was Mélanie Pugin who won the race ahead of Nolwenn Deslande, 2in the and Morgane Jonnier.

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This 2017 edition of the Giromagny enduro kept its promises. A great race, impeccable organization and an exceptional atmosphere! Algorigin is proud to support projects that bring so much fun and smiles to faces! We wish the Giro team a great year traveling the world in search of the best singletracks and we look forward to seeing you next year for an edition which, we hope, will surprise us even more than this year!

Photo credit: Richard BORD

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