Chlorella dosage

Dec 08, 2023Jordan Boulain

Of the Chlorella studies have highlighted its large quantity of amino acids  (protein components) as well as the presence of  vitamin B12 , which makes it particularly suitable for vegetarians and vegans as a natural food supplement.

Who Should Take Chlorella  ?

Anyone looking to detox. With its many benefits, the Chlorella is considered a superfood that will help just about everyone. It is especially beneficial for  :

  • Vegetarians and vegans
    Chlorella is an excellent source of vitamin B12, which is not found in any common vegetable. Also called cobalamin, this vitamin is found mainly in animal products. It cannot be synthesized by the body and must therefore be provided through the diet. The amount of vitamin B12 contained in Chlorella makes it an excellent addition to vegetarian or vegan diets.
  • People suffering from poisoning
    Due to its detoxifying power, Chlorella is particularly recommended for people who live or work in polluted environments, for smokers, and for people exposed to heavy metals (e.g. dental amalgams, consumption of oily fish, etc.)

Discover our 100% natural organic chlorella !


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Dec 08, 2023