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Les études sur la Spiruline

Considered one of the most complete foods in the world, spirulina has been the subject of numerous scientific studies. If blue algae, described as a superfood, arouses so much interest, it is because it is full of nutrients giving it various virtues.

Spirulina , through numerous scientific studies, is gradually revealing its secrets to science. Research has demonstrated the effects of microalgae on general well-being and various aspects of health such as digestion or immunity.

At Algorigin, we are specialists in health algae-based food supplements. In this article, we explain to you in particular:

  • What is spirulina?
  • Arthrospira platensis and scientific studies concerning its benefits on immunity
  • Spirulina: what does science reveal about its anti-inflammatory action?
  • The benefits of microalgae on hair, skin and nails in the light of scientific studies
  • Spirulina to fight fatigue: what do scientific studies reveal?
  • Spirulina: what studies concerning its benefits on digestion?
  • Spirulina and muscle mass development: what does science show?

Are you interested in microalgae to maintain your vitality? Let's discover together the hidden treasures of this superfood.

Spirulina Studies

What is spirulina?

Spirulina is a cyanobacteria whose scientific name is spirulina arthrospira platensis. Endowed with the capacity to carry out photosynthesis, this microorganism belonging to the genus Arthrospira has phytoplanktons as its natural environment. It grows in alkaline waterways in warm regions. It usually appears under the microscope as a spiraling blue-green filament. This coloring is linked to the two pigments it contains. On the one hand there is phycocyanin, an antioxidant which gives it a bluish tint and chlorophyll which gives it a green color.

An edible bacteria, arthrospira platensis is not quite an algae , even if it was originally considered as such. It is composed of cells without a nucleus, it is therefore a eukaryote unlike algae. The latter are rather prokaryotes, because their cells have a nucleus.

Why is blue-green algae attracting scientific interest?

Blue-green algae has continued to arouse the curiosity of researchers in the West since the discovery of its consumption in distant lands. This superfood can boast of a centuries-old, even millennial, past on the planet. What is the history of spirulina? According to various observations, microalgae had been consumed for centuries by both the Aztecs and the Kanembous of Lake Chad. This green composition collected in the marshes was processed and consumed by local populations because of its nutritional richness.

How can we remain indifferent to this food which, for example in Kanem (Chad), helps to compensate for nutritional deficiencies in times of famine? Science had and still has every interest in knowing more about spirulina. Various scientific studies have revealed over time its extraordinary composition and the multiple benefits linked to its consumption. Science continues to explore algae health, as the therapeutic prospects for it are promising.

Discover more than 3000 scientific studies published on Spirulina since 1967:

Spirulina and its studies

    What are the benefits of arthrospira platensis?

    Spirulina is full of macro and micronutrients with high value for well-being. By analyzing the composition of organic spirulina , we see that it is rich in bioavailable proteins and carbohydrates. It is an exceptional source of several B group vitamins. To date, it is the only known source of non-animal vitamin B12. It is also provided with iron, antioxidants (phycocyanin, calcium spirulan), magnesium, etc.

    Due to its rich composition, spirulina is a beneficial food for vitality and health. Among the benefits of spirulina, we note in particular:

    • Strengthening the immune system thanks to its high vitamin B12 content;
    • Maintenance of muscle mass: thanks to its richness in proteins;
    • The fight against fatigue thanks to its high iron content;
    • Recovery after exercise mainly due to its anti-inflammatory action.

    Today, the virtues of spirulina are exploited in different food supplements. At Algorigin, knowledge of the benefits of blue algae has allowed us to develop a whole range of nutritional supplements. Our products are formulated with high quality Swiss spirulina . They help take care of your immunity, your mental health and above all to maintain excellent shape at any age . For your general well-being, we offer different formulas of spirulina tablets .

    Which supplement is right for you?

    Arthrospira platensis and scientific studies concerning its benefits on immunity thanks to vitamin B12

    The immune system is the body's natural defense barrier. It protects our body against its own dysfunctions and against external attacks (pathogens such as microbes and viruses). It works thanks to certain biological mechanisms and a set of “little soldiers” that are immune cells. There are mainly white blood cells (leukocytes), lymphocytes (B and T) and antibodies.

    Our health depends on the effectiveness of the immune system . When immunity is weakened, the body becomes more vulnerable to infections, diseases. The effectiveness of our natural defense system depends on different factors. These include physical activity, quality of sleep, good stress management and above all a varied diet providing essential nutrients for the proper functioning of the organs. 

    Concerning the benefits of spirulina on immunity, scientific research demonstrates the microalgae's high content of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. There is in particular beta-carotene or calcium spirulan, a polysaccharide whose effects are particularly beneficial for immunity. Thus, spiral algae helps stimulate and strengthen the immune system . Discover at Algorigin Immuno+ spirulina specially formulated to support your natural defenses.

    Here are different scientific studies to find out more about the benefits of spirulina on the immune system:

    Spirulina scientific studies

    Spirulina: what does science reveal about its anti-inflammatory action?

    Intense physical exertion is generally accompanied by pain and aches. It is an inflammatory reaction of the muscles in their effort to get rid of lactic acid accumulated during physical activity. Some muscle cells are also damaged and may take several days to repair. Consuming food supplements based on spirulina facilitates recovery after exercise . How ? Thanks to the antioxidants present in spiral algae.

    Research on arthrospira platensis has notably highlighted the anti-inflammatory action of phycocyanin , the blue pigment of spirulina. To help you get back into great shape, we offer you spirulina elixir, your perfect ally for recovery after exercise.

    To better understand the anti-inflammatory action of phycocyanin and other active substances in spirulina, here are different scientific studies to consult:

      The benefits of microalgae on hair, skin and nails in the light of scientific studies

      Certain nutritional deficiencies manifest themselves in poor condition of hair, nails or skin. Lack of biotin particularly affects the health of hair and nails. The same goes for riboflavin. Furthermore, the deficiency in antioxidants or proteins , major constituents of collagen, is noted by the loss of elasticity of the skin.

      Do you have hair, skin or nail problems? Spirulina concentrates nutrients that can remedy this. It contains B vitamins and in particular biotin and riboflavin as well as provitamin A, zinc , antioxidants and vegetable proteins.

      Riboflavin (vitamin B2), for example, is involved in the synthesis of keratin , which is the main component of hair and nails. The gamma-linoleic acid present in arthrospira platensis also contributes to skin elasticity. Therefore, microalgae is the perfect ally for having beautiful hair, beautiful skin and perfectly healthy nails. In our Spirulina Zinc, you have everything you need to improve the health and beauty of hair, nails and skin.

      Here are different scientific studies to help you better understand the action of spirulina on hair, skin and nails:

        Spirulina to fight fatigue: what do scientific studies reveal?

        Who has never had a period of real decline in form? Overactivity, burnout, stress, poor diet or infections are all parameters that can drain us of all our energy. The worst thing would be to let this state take hold, because chronic fatigue can open the door to depression or make you more vulnerable to illness.

        To combat fatigue, blue-green algae, an excellent source of assimilable iron, is an ideal natural solution for everyone. You can boost your tone thanks to our energy pack which supports you in finding and staying in great shape for the long term. The macronutrients of spirulina, in synergy with a complex of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, help you naturally boost your vitality.

        Discover different scientific studies here to find out more about spirulina and its anti-fatigue action:

          Spirulina and muscle mass development: what does science show?

          Our body and particularly muscle tissue have proteins as their basic building blocks. It is essential to consume sufficient protein to maintain your muscles and have a well-toned body.

          Protein needs are particularly high among athletes, because these macronutrients strengthen the muscles and help restore them after exercise (training and competition). Taken in the form of food supplements, spirulina helps strengthen muscle mass . The explanation is simple. According to numerous researches, super algae contains up to 70% assimilable proteins, excellent for muscle development.

          Likewise, supplementation with blue algae allows vegetarians and vegans to benefit from bioavailable proteins . To find out more about the effects of spirulina on muscle mass, here are research results on the subject:

            How to benefit from the benefits of spirulina?

            In summary, it is obvious that spirulina is a superfood , because it is rich in quality nutrients and trace elements. Various in-vivo and in-vitro studies prove that arthrospira platensis is a treasure for revitalizing the body.

            The best way to benefit from the benefits of spirulina is to take regular treatments . Ask your doctor for a blood test to identify your real nutritional needs. Then choose the food supplement based on organic spirulina that you need.

            To support you in your quest for daily well-being, Algorigin offers, among other things:

            To stay in shape at all times, opt for our food supplements. These are natural products based on organic spirulina collected in healthy environments.

            Organic Spirulina tablets
            General health
            Regular price
            CHF 39.90
            incl. TVA
            CHF 39.90
            Regular price
            CHF 39.90
            Sale price
            Ajouter au panier
            Spiruline Granulé
            Organic Spirulina Granules
            Global health
            Regular price
            CHF 29.90
            incl. TVA
            CHF 29.90
            Regular price
            CHF 29.90
            Sale price
            Ajouter au panier
            Spiruline Fer BIO
            Spirulina Iron Bio
            Iron deficiency
            Regular price
            CHF 37.90
            incl. TVA
            CHF 37.90
            Regular price
            CHF 37.90
            Sale price
            Ajouter au panier
            Spiruline Immuno+
            Spirulina Immuno+
            Multi-vitamins & minerals
            Immune system
            Regular price
            CHF 44.90
            incl. TVA
            CHF 44.90
            Regular price
            CHF 44.90
            Sale price
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