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You can use the link below to update your account information if it is not accurate.
You can use the links below to download all the data we store and use for a better experience in our store.
You can use the link below to request a report which will contain all the personal information we store for you.
Use this option if you want to remove your personal and other data from our store. Keep in mind that this process will delete your account, so you will no longer be able to access or use it.
You can use the link below to update your account information if it is not accurate.
You can use the links below to download all the data we store and use for a better experience in our store.
You can use the link below to request a report which will contain all the personal information we store for you.
Use this option if you want to remove your personal and other data from our store. Keep in mind that this process will delete your account, so you will no longer be able to access or use it.
Advantages of ordering with Algorigin
For orders over 69 CHF, we deliver free of charge in Switzerland with the Post Office.
Founded by a doctor and supported by our team of medical research and development experts.
Receive personalized advice by chat, telephone or email: +41 (0)22 552 01 25 info@algorigin.com